Tuesday 15 May 2012

Mrs Moo's Ice Cream Parlour

We have a student teacher, Miss Eleanor Stokes, teaching in our classroom at the moment. As part of her teaching practice she has set up this fabulous ice cream parlour in the role play area. There is so much to do in there the children absolutely love it! They can buy and serve ice creams, use and talk about money, write orders and 'customer feedback' and have a great time whilst they learn. She is also organising other learning activities for the classroom, doing what every good early years teacher does well. That is giving the children lots of exciting experiences and the opportunity to talk about what they are doing to interested adults.

These are some of the other activities that Ms Stokes has been organising.

Discussing what happens to bubbles in the wind

Making Glitter shakers

That's a glittery one!

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